Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012: A Few Things It Taught Me

There's a bunch of important things I learned during the year 2012. 

Here's a few I'd like to share...

1. Every day's a gift. I always knew this. 
    But I learned it again. Hard.

2. No matter what your circumstances, 
    you always have everything you need to get through it.

3. Friends are often your family. 
    Family's not always your friend.

4. Love and lessons are everywhere. A complete stranger can        smile at you and in doing so, teaches you so much.

5. Happiness is not a permanent state for anyone. Nor is                sadness. Gotta get better at life surfing.

6. Pain is never planned. Healing is always a process, but              inevitable.

7. Men need women, and women need men. Period.

8. When you're sad, change your thoughts. Your outward              emotions are always a mirror of what you're thinking.

9. Rainbows can be seen through clouds.

10. When everyone's healthy, everything's perfect.

11. Never assume the people you adore know that you love              and appreciate them. Outwardly acknowledge the people            that look after you. They are rarities.

12. Move on.

13. Your kids will teach you as much about life, as you will              teach them.

14. Whenever you're sad, eat pie. You can't be grumpy while            eating pie.

15. Sleeping is beautiful. Especially with someone you love.

16. Kids are more resilient than adults. And not just because 
     they have better knees.

17. Your attitude is your health.

18. Your ego will ruin your life if you let it be in the driver's              seat.

19. Eat breakfast for dinner. It breaks you out of a rut and              does childlike things for your spirit.

20. Bald kids are beautiful.

21. Avoid arguments about politics. No one's right. No one's            wrong. No one cares.

22. Spending a lot of time by yourself is the only way to 
     understand what you really need out of life.

23. We're always growing, so no one person will ever be able to        supply you with everything you need. Make all different              types of friendships.

24. Humor is hiding in even the darkest corners. 
      Make sure to find it. Laughter is curative.

25. Lose the narcissists in your life. They'll drain your life force,        and make it theirs.

26. Giving is getting.

27. If you're into someone who hides you in any way, 
     rather than openly celebrates you, run. Like a kenyan.

28. There's not more girls in the world than boys. 
      There's more boys in the world, than men.

29. A 50 dollar hammock is as effective as a 3,000 dollar               vacation.

30. Anyone can say what you want to hear. Words are just             sounds in the air. Never hold onto just, words. Ever.

31. A three line, hand written sentiment trumps a 4 page typed       email, all day.

32. If you're aware enough of your indifference, you're still not 
      truly indifferent.

33. A hug is better than sex. Ok that's a lie, but it's still way,           way up there.

34. If you're turned down for an invite 3 times, it's probably            time to shelve that friendship in the same place you store          your wok.

35. Women don't want to be in control. They despise it. And            only take control because their man's not strong enough to        be doing it for her.

36. We all want the same things out of life. And it's not a BMW.        Promise.

37. Revenge is never necessary. Karma always has your back.

38. Women who don't have a lot of women friends should scare        you. Whether you're a man, or a woman.

39. There's a ton of incredible people in this world. But be                prepared to sift.

40. A heart is a resilient organ.

41. Doctors need to be learned in biology, homeopathy, and            nutrition, not exclusively pharmacology, and stupidity.

42. Never be afraid to be the only one who feels differently.

43. We have the cure for cancer.

44. As hard as asking for help may be, do it. Asking for help            doesn't make you look needy, it makes others feel needful,        and important in your life.

45. Sleeping on a man's chest is as good as it gets.

46. Weird people are less weird than non-weird people.

47. Never eat any food in a hospital that you'll want to enjoy            ever again, outside of a hospital.

48. Chivalry needs to make up its mind.

49. Your head is a very dangerous place to camp out in. Talk            out your demons.

50. A straight up apology or acknowledgment of fault makes            everything all better. Even if you think you're right. It's ok        to swallow your pride once in awhile. It has no flavor.

51. There's zero correlation between age and emotional                 maturity.

52. Hot tubs are the cure all for all things obnoxious.

53. Always give the blinky headlights to oncoming cars to let            them know the police are hiding up ahead.

54. Cooking for people you love is one of the best gifts you can        give anyone.

55.  Special people are never forgotten. You store little pieces           of them all over your heart and brain and take them on             car rides with you.

56. People don't know when they make mistakes. Hurting                someone is often so much more unintentional than it                appears.

57. Follow your heart. But take your brain with you. 
     (I didnt write that, but whoever did gets a huge high five.)

58. Trust your instincts. They're rarely wrong.

59. Only have an argument via text message if you need some        type of proof for a court hearing. Otherwise, deal with                problems straight on.

60. Lose the takers. The takers are always losers.

61. Never send an angry letter the day you write it. Sit on it for        at least 3 days. 
      Surprising how your heart can change in such a short time.

62. Trust is earned, not granted. Trust slowly. 

63. You're not supposed to like everybody. And no matter how        great you think you are, not everybody's supposed to like          you. It's ok. Really.

64. Likeminded people will always find each other. It's an                energy thing.

65. Hating someone is more of a reflection of what you 
      need to work on in yourself.

66. Never let loving someone overshadow the need to be loved 
     equally in return.

67. Be your childrens mother first, and their best friend, second.

68. There's no real reason to have the last word in an                      Sometimes silence is the loudest last word. 
      And besides, we can't slam phones loudly anymore so                what's the point.

69. Wisdom isn't something you can teach.

70. If someone doesn't let you know where you stand with              them, consider they're telling you exactly where you stand.

71. Never just accept little breadcrumbs being thrown your way        as being treated okay. Not unless you're a pigeon or a              tablecloth. In life you deserve what you accept. 

72. You only over think stuff when you're with the wrong                  person.

73. There's no such thing as a gross cookie, until it hits your            thighs.

74. Thanksgiving is any, and every day of the year.

75. You can always love again.