In the movie 'The Titanic', there was a scene that always stuck out in my mind.
For years, I've replayed it in my head, over and over again.
I've always loved it because it reminded me of the powerful beauty in remaining calm when you're staring directly into the eye of fear.
Up close and personal with adversity, looking it straight in the face with a sense unperturbed tranquility.
It was the scene near the end, where everyone was running for their lives...the ship was now definitively sinking.
Everyone knew they were probably dying momentarily. Yet the violin quartet kept playing beautiful music, in spite of it.
It was a powerfully beautiful moment because it's stoic. It's accepting your situation with grace, despite a guaranteed unfavorable outcome. Somewhat metaphoric of where we may currently be.
Or maybe it isn't. Who knows.
Maybe Trump being elected, is a blessing. A blessing because we suddenly feel compelled to personally make a difference somehow.
A blessing because we'll take matters into our own hands to make sure they get done, and done correctly.
A blessing because we'll finally realize that no one person can save any of us, and it's up to each person exclusively, to do what they can do, to weather any unpredictable storm, and still play a beautiful song.
We'll realize that our personal happiness, and/or deficits, never are, nor ever were contingent upon who is elected.
Never in the history of Presidencies.
We need to dial down the political noise, the SuperBowl'esque distractions, the drama and feelings of hopelessness, and replace it with something far more deeply substantive.
That's a must.
However minuscule or grand, the world needs to be made into a better habitat. Not just for the people, for all living things, for we are all reliant on a healthy planet a thriving ecosystem to be a happy, healthy person.
Not just to...'Make America Great' -- but to make ourselves great, again-- and the rest will take care of itself.
Not by creating more jobs, not by buying or making more shit we don't need on the shelves of Bed Bath and Beyond, but by doing a little more than we'd normally do for someone else in our everyday lives. By doing something as simple as making it a point to smile at a stranger, packing someone else's groceries for them, helping someone for nothing in return, just because everyone's struggling in some way, and because it feels damn good to help.
Maybe Trump being President, is a blessing. Maybe. Or maybe it's an excuse to headbutt a nail gun. Either way, it'll hopefully prompt some type of personal re-evaluation, possibly a mini, personal revolution, provide a more honest level of introspection, a far deeper look into ourselves, our psyches, our list of priorities, and see how we can help heal this world, that we wouldn't have discovered otherwise, had a less controversial person become President
Maybe it'll create a rebirth a type of back into our truer selves, the selves who don't just want more, for the sake of having more, but desire to be more, to give more, and take less. Maybe it's the two-handed collar shake that we all somehow needed.
Some might call that a revolution in the making. But whatever it is, decide on the outcome of events with having the conviction be some type of positive personal change, because you're the one holding the outcome of your life in your hands.
You were all along.
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