Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012: A Few Things It Taught Me

There's a bunch of important things I learned during the year 2012. 

Here's a few I'd like to share...

1. Every day's a gift. I always knew this. 
    But I learned it again. Hard.

2. No matter what your circumstances, 
    you always have everything you need to get through it.

3. Friends are often your family. 
    Family's not always your friend.

4. Love and lessons are everywhere. A complete stranger can        smile at you and in doing so, teaches you so much.

5. Happiness is not a permanent state for anyone. Nor is                sadness. Gotta get better at life surfing.

6. Pain is never planned. Healing is always a process, but              inevitable.

7. Men need women, and women need men. Period.

8. When you're sad, change your thoughts. Your outward              emotions are always a mirror of what you're thinking.

9. Rainbows can be seen through clouds.

10. When everyone's healthy, everything's perfect.

11. Never assume the people you adore know that you love              and appreciate them. Outwardly acknowledge the people            that look after you. They are rarities.

12. Move on.

13. Your kids will teach you as much about life, as you will              teach them.

14. Whenever you're sad, eat pie. You can't be grumpy while            eating pie.

15. Sleeping is beautiful. Especially with someone you love.

16. Kids are more resilient than adults. And not just because 
     they have better knees.

17. Your attitude is your health.

18. Your ego will ruin your life if you let it be in the driver's              seat.

19. Eat breakfast for dinner. It breaks you out of a rut and              does childlike things for your spirit.

20. Bald kids are beautiful.

21. Avoid arguments about politics. No one's right. No one's            wrong. No one cares.

22. Spending a lot of time by yourself is the only way to 
     understand what you really need out of life.

23. We're always growing, so no one person will ever be able to        supply you with everything you need. Make all different              types of friendships.

24. Humor is hiding in even the darkest corners. 
      Make sure to find it. Laughter is curative.

25. Lose the narcissists in your life. They'll drain your life force,        and make it theirs.

26. Giving is getting.

27. If you're into someone who hides you in any way, 
     rather than openly celebrates you, run. Like a kenyan.

28. There's not more girls in the world than boys. 
      There's more boys in the world, than men.

29. A 50 dollar hammock is as effective as a 3,000 dollar               vacation.

30. Anyone can say what you want to hear. Words are just             sounds in the air. Never hold onto just, words. Ever.

31. A three line, hand written sentiment trumps a 4 page typed       email, all day.

32. If you're aware enough of your indifference, you're still not 
      truly indifferent.

33. A hug is better than sex. Ok that's a lie, but it's still way,           way up there.

34. If you're turned down for an invite 3 times, it's probably            time to shelve that friendship in the same place you store          your wok.

35. Women don't want to be in control. They despise it. And            only take control because their man's not strong enough to        be doing it for her.

36. We all want the same things out of life. And it's not a BMW.        Promise.

37. Revenge is never necessary. Karma always has your back.

38. Women who don't have a lot of women friends should scare        you. Whether you're a man, or a woman.

39. There's a ton of incredible people in this world. But be                prepared to sift.

40. A heart is a resilient organ.

41. Doctors need to be learned in biology, homeopathy, and            nutrition, not exclusively pharmacology, and stupidity.

42. Never be afraid to be the only one who feels differently.

43. We have the cure for cancer.

44. As hard as asking for help may be, do it. Asking for help            doesn't make you look needy, it makes others feel needful,        and important in your life.

45. Sleeping on a man's chest is as good as it gets.

46. Weird people are less weird than non-weird people.

47. Never eat any food in a hospital that you'll want to enjoy            ever again, outside of a hospital.

48. Chivalry needs to make up its mind.

49. Your head is a very dangerous place to camp out in. Talk            out your demons.

50. A straight up apology or acknowledgment of fault makes            everything all better. Even if you think you're right. It's ok        to swallow your pride once in awhile. It has no flavor.

51. There's zero correlation between age and emotional                 maturity.

52. Hot tubs are the cure all for all things obnoxious.

53. Always give the blinky headlights to oncoming cars to let            them know the police are hiding up ahead.

54. Cooking for people you love is one of the best gifts you can        give anyone.

55.  Special people are never forgotten. You store little pieces           of them all over your heart and brain and take them on             car rides with you.

56. People don't know when they make mistakes. Hurting                someone is often so much more unintentional than it                appears.

57. Follow your heart. But take your brain with you. 
     (I didnt write that, but whoever did gets a huge high five.)

58. Trust your instincts. They're rarely wrong.

59. Only have an argument via text message if you need some        type of proof for a court hearing. Otherwise, deal with                problems straight on.

60. Lose the takers. The takers are always losers.

61. Never send an angry letter the day you write it. Sit on it for        at least 3 days. 
      Surprising how your heart can change in such a short time.

62. Trust is earned, not granted. Trust slowly. 

63. You're not supposed to like everybody. And no matter how        great you think you are, not everybody's supposed to like          you. It's ok. Really.

64. Likeminded people will always find each other. It's an                energy thing.

65. Hating someone is more of a reflection of what you 
      need to work on in yourself.

66. Never let loving someone overshadow the need to be loved 
     equally in return.

67. Be your childrens mother first, and their best friend, second.

68. There's no real reason to have the last word in an                      Sometimes silence is the loudest last word. 
      And besides, we can't slam phones loudly anymore so                what's the point.

69. Wisdom isn't something you can teach.

70. If someone doesn't let you know where you stand with              them, consider they're telling you exactly where you stand.

71. Never just accept little breadcrumbs being thrown your way        as being treated okay. Not unless you're a pigeon or a              tablecloth. In life you deserve what you accept. 

72. You only over think stuff when you're with the wrong                  person.

73. There's no such thing as a gross cookie, until it hits your            thighs.

74. Thanksgiving is any, and every day of the year.

75. You can always love again.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Face Is Falling, And It Can't Get Up.

I lay in bed, a strip of sun across my cheek that managed to sneak in from a partially closed curtain. I peek out at the world between knotty hair and eyes that seem to have an opinion of their own about when they should open. I pull back the covers, attempt to throw my crooked, beaten bones over the side of the bed, stand up, wait for my vertebral column to be reacquainted with earths unfair gravity, assess my equilibrium, and work may way into the bathroom with the grace of someone with Polio trying to walk on a tightrope for the first time. I stagger into the bathroom and I look in the mirror. Out of my mouth comes a scream like I'm trying to more than pass the initiation for becoming the head clanswoman of the Swahili Tribe.

My eyes are slits, my face is...something...not good. It looks off-centered, or maybe that's due to only one eye opening. My hair looks like there should be something feral and contagious living in it. I shake my head and then whatever it was, falls out and runs across the room. Hello Monday.

I make a promise to myself.... "I will never, ever, ever, EVER, go out and party and drink that much liquor and come crawling home at 4 a.m. ever, EVER again. And then I realized something even scarier than my reflection. I didn't go out last night at all. Nor did I drink. This is sober Dawn. Sober Dawn who went to bed at 10 o'clock. With Chamomile tea, and a book.

I quickly shower, hoping to scrub my face off entirely with the best exfoliator known to mankind. Driveway gravel. Spring Scented. Get out of the shower, throw on a towel, and artfully dodge every mirror / remotely reflective surface and or piece of aluminum foil in my house in fear of encountering that woman who was angrily leering at me in the mirror earlier that morning.

I was getting ready to make my way into NYC. A place where as we all know, kids and grown ups alike dress way too trendy and get nose jobs and modeling contracts on their way to school. So I figured I'd better attempt to pull my shit together before I leave. Okay, let's see...... sweatpants?... or….sweatpants without the string. So many runway choices, I'm paralyzed with indecision.

I find something nice and underwhelming, throw it on, smear some makeup on, and run out the door. I spontaneously decide to stop in the diner first for a quick egg white omelet and cup of coffee so I could maybe wake up and start resembling something that wouldn't invariably be mistaken for an ER victim and be whisked away on a cot.

I sit down. I really need coffee. The kind that's so thick it can be used for setting deck posts.
I look to my left. There's a poor, little, bruised up, really, really old lady sitting there with her friend. Both are very old. I'm sure one of them knew Abraham Lincoln. Or Christ.

I planned on only staying for about a half an hour. But I ended up missing my train because I basically spend the afternoon in the diner booth, watching this very old woman, with a huge black and blue mark covering her face, drink a cup of coffee.

Now, I don't mean I watched her drink her coffee at some point during the afternoon. What I mean is, half of my afternoon was dedicated to watching this poor little old woman, physically try and negotiate her coffee cup to her lips, and the other two hours of the afternoon, was dedicated to watching her try to put it down.
Suddenly, I didn't feel old. I felt like 4 and a half, and wondered why I didn't take Play Doh with me.

The only time I hear her speak, was her explaining to the waitress that her face was so severely bruised because she fell down a flight of stairs twice in one week. I truly wanted to cry. Although that could've just been an adverse reaction to pink polyester pants with coffee stains and pieces of egg on them. But whatever it was, did make my eyes tear.

I started to think that maybe this poor woman was put before me, to remind myself that despite me looking exhausted that day, I was young enough, vivacious enough, and forthright enough to still go out into this world with a voice, and a passion, and with physical conviction, and still make a difference somehow. Which was a very cool epiphany. However in addition to that epiphany was another one: The realization that my previous scary morning face, was just a little glimpse into the more misshapen facial features to come.

I grabbed my phone and Googled "amazing plastic surgeons/ anywhere in the world" faster than you can say "hematoma."

*Deep breath*. I don't wanna get old. First off, I'm opinionated now. Picture that in 50 years. You'll open my door and all that'll be left of me is a flapping tongue and a frowning pair of eyebrows on the floor.

Secondly, I don't want to get old because they don't have diapers available in velvet thong, but mostly, because I don't deal with my own personal asymmetry very well. Don't even think about moving my perfectly opposing fireplace candles, no less my nasal labial folds. I don't care if you're as crooked as Lyle Lovett in the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Just please don't let it be me.

Why does everything about us eventually move South. First our face does, and then we move down to Florida. And who's idea was it to install gravity below us. Why not midway so that everything stays where it's supposed to. I need to see a manager.

If getting old ultimately means losing your quality of life, not being able to mechanically function, needing a calendar to figure out the beginning and end date of the completion of an 8 oz. cup of coffee, falling down a flight of stairs face first is your only regular, daily activity, and I have to look like a Halloween decoration in the process, I'd rather go out James Dean style. Granted, dead in a car, but something to say for being forever remembered in your youthful, shining glory that somewhere, sadly down the line, ear hair, chin hair, melted faces and fear of moths/moth ball stench makes those around us forget we were ever privy to. And I'm certainly not stickin around just to buy those baby blue polyester stretch pants.

Seriously. Am I really supposed to want to eventually look like I thawed? Am I supposed to want my skin on my cheekbones to eventually be worn as shoulder pads? Am I supposed to want someone to eventually be able to use my crepe-like skin as party decorations for my own 60th birthday party?
No. It's highly tacky to use your own skin for your own surprise party.

And please, don't say: "...But it's natural to get old…."
Well it's natural for your breath to smell if you don't brush your teeth, but we brush our teeth, it's natural for your teeth to yellow if you drink coffee or red wine, but we love our Crest WhiteStrips, and it's also natural to lose all your teeth if someone should swing a baseball bat at them, so I'd advise the person who thought that to take my side.

And then people say: "..Yeah, but that's different...that's an accident."
Well sweetheart, so is my aging decrepit face. I never planned on that shit happening either.

Let's of course, not forget the people who feel compelled to say, "...lines and wrinkles show you have experience". Pfft. Oh please. That's what resumes and sex are for.
And the ever popular, "...Yeah I'm NEVER getting plastic surgery, I just want to get old gracefully" people.

The people I'm referring to are of course, always girls in their 20's, whose looks aren't even remotely accurate yet. They still have one foot in their mothers uterus and their faces still harbor some of their mothers magical healing placenta lingering on it. Hence, faces still as tight as a drill sergeants bed sheets.
Come talk to me after your chronic trips to tanning salons turn you into a permanent nacho and a couple of babies have suckled your boobs for 4 years, so much so that your breasts are no longer eligible for a bra, but from where they're newly located, more like eligible for sneakers.

"I just want to age gracefully."
I'm not sure I even know what "Aging Gracefully" means. There's nothing "graceful" about your eyelids eventually falling onto your corneas like a poorly pitched tent. Old people aren't blind, they just have skin hanging over their awesome vision. Nothing graceful about being able to tie 2 stretched out boobs into a sailors knot. Nothing. No matter how slow the process. Nor is "Aging Gracefully", some type of personal choice based on a whimsical declaration. Your face will do what it wants. Irrespective of a naive desire to still look ravishing by 50, you'll more than likely, look like ass shit.

The way I see it, there's nothing wrong with just wanting to keep your face where it's supposed to be - not changing it, just not needing a dustpan to pick it up off the floor.
Come on. Look at the Egyptians. The makeup, the jewelry... even dead, they're gorgeous and youthful looking. They planned and prepared for the eventuality of old age and death by dedicating their entire lives to preserving themselves and erecting tombs. Well, sorry. My back hurts. And I'm not moving 2 1/2 ton blocks unless King Tut's paying for my back surgery. And last I checked, there's no pilates or spin classes for your face. So my"planning and preparing" will consist of getting Restylane shots into my facial furrows and attending plastic surgery banquets.

Yes, true. That little old lady was adorable. We love little old people. Their presence reminds us of our impermanence here. She wouldn't be adorable if she looked like Cher, and I do believe they were roughly the same age. But while I am aware that everything from your face to your living room couch eventually deteriorates and falls apart, and is part of a natural order, I'm also aware that old age is mean and nasty and doesn't treat everyone the same way, nor does it accept bribes or respond to threats about their mother, which I discovered was just a lot of wasted energy on my part.
Take Paul Newman for example. Old age treated him pretty damn well. But now take Marlon Brando. It treated him like Jabba the Hutt. It even made Keith Richards be able to walk around and do photo shoots even though I'm sure he died.

So as "natural" as aging may be, unless you're a Shar-Pei, it just doesn't seem "natural" to be happy about becoming a Shar Pei, and be able to hide things like BonBons, and full sets of encyclopedias in your face.

And good genes can only carry you for so long. I have pretty good genes in my family, and morning mirror reflections are still made up of images that challenge "Saw III" movie posters. So seriously, fuck anyone with their aging gracefully bullshit until their single, and 50. Watch how fast their opinion changes, when they're no longer judging the world, from the temporary vantage point of their current perky boob.

Now, I'm not being ungrateful, I am aware that there are people out there with more critical physical issues than say, vanity... and also at this juncture in my life, I could've looked like the talking tree from The Wizard Of Oz. I'd just like to hopefully preempt some possible facial landslides and avoid rudely awakening nice tenants maybe living below me when my face suddenly decides to go Sir Isaac Newton on me, and break their chandelier. Which is just me being a conscientious human being.

Believe me, the thought of something like Botox, the boccelism bacteria, potentially being shot right next to the only brain I barely have, still scares the shit out of me.
I'd definitely feel more comfortable if there were an option to look younger by shooting a lemur into my forehead instead, so I can actually see it. So if it happens to get bored and start walking towards my brain, I'll just smack myself in the head and kill it. But technology's not quite there yet.

Anyway, a few weeks go by, and because my life is a constant wave of exotic locales and samplings, I find myself in the diner again with a friend. And I couldn't help but think about the little old woman who only a few weeks before, was sitting just opposite me. I wondered how she was. If she were doing okay. If she was sipping and falling somewhere.

They bring me over a cup of hot coffee. I guess I felt the subconscious need to prove to myself that I was still young enough to drink my coffee in under a day and a half. I swallow it. 186ยบ later, I scorch the entire back of my throat, burn every single taste bud, and my entire esophagus lining, was no more. And that point I was met with a sudden sense of relief. Wow. That's awesome Dawn! I'm pretty damn stupid. Maybe I'm young, after all.

: )~

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

To Myself

I've heard this before. That someones best quality is often their worst quality, too. I believe this to be true. I've consistently seen this through others, as well as know this to be true of myself. Someone that'll tell off a rude person somewhere can be a good thing because at times, you might say, feel protected with that person. But that same person has the ability to anger and tell you off as well, when maybe you didn't deserve it. Or if someone is cute and shy. Seems like an endearing quality, and then someone is bad to someone they should defend, and  they do nothing, because they're 'cute and shy', and afraid to look 'bad'. Our qualities are great at times, and not at others.

As I said earlier, I know this holds true for me as well. I feel my best quality is that I give my heart, and of myself to whatever I do, and to whomever I'm with. Friends, family, lovers, etc. I give and give genuinely to people that I get a good feeling from. And my worst quality is the same. I love hard, and have a tendency to feel not only people's happiness, but their pain as well. I'll also give my heart to anyone before I'm able to know if the time and dedication that goes along with that, was earned or will be respected. My only reasoning for this is that I trust my gut before I trust hard core facts. And by saying I trust my gut, I don't mean I pursue things that I know will necessarily have a positive ending in the conventional sense. What I mean is, I follow my intuition because I know I ultimately seek out what I need at that time in my life, my instincts guide me and I feel they will somehow lead me correctly in a direction to gain a specific insight I hadn't had before, that I'll need to learn from in order to pursue the next big turn in my life.

I pride myself on living my life by not just breathing, but by living it emotionally alive and aware, with big feelings, and big passion, and big hopes and often without hesitation to apparent consequences. I do my best to indulge in the surrendering of a feeling, be it good, or bad, sadness or happiness, laughter or tears…whatever it is I'm feeling, I'm in it because I love to feel, nor am i afraid to feel. 

Growing up with not much,  I've learned to see beauty and opportunity in what others might see as glaring flaws and a reason to abandon something, whether it's in people, in objects, in love, in romance, in pretty much everything I encounter. I like to work with what I have and not what 'should' be, by societal means. However, mediocrity is not something I'm good at accepting in myself. And for all I know, that mediocrity could be viewed as exceptional in someone else's eyes, but I'd never know it, nor see it, nor accept it as a claim, because I expect a lot from myself, on many levels. 
I bring this up for a point I'm trying to prove to myself. 

This way of thinking unfortunately leaves you feeling you've done nothing great, accomplished nothing special, and are therefore worth nothing. It manifests in your life as you becoming used to, and completely comfortable with all that is out of reach--be it goals, healthy relationships, and with everything else important that you'd like, because you yourself set it up that way, convincing yourself that the magic and beauty that truly resides in you, is not there --now--, but somewhere in the future. You feel you're not worthy enough, in where you currently are, to expect nor request something from others that would validate your person at this moment. 

My personal philosophy is that not one living soul nor any living entity has ever grown from walking a painless path. Pain is a path to enlightenment and discovery. Metaphorically, my instincts are to always walk a more arduous road than an easier one, a more slippery slope, one by myself, rather than simply expressing discomfort in a situation, opening up the possibilities for dialogue and discovery, and finding easier solutions than stuffing down pain. 

That has had it's place and role in my life for sure. But recently I've looked at this and I'm not sure it's working to my benefit anymore. It's making me hurt and be okay with hurt. It's making me too familiar and content with ambiguity. It's making me shut down the communication skills I usually pride myself in sharing. 

And so I write this to me today, to remind myself that a change of perception in who I am, and of what I require out of life, and from the people that either permanently or temporarily occupy that space with me, seems to be in order, for me to truly grow in the right direction. And that's what I want to do. Grow.

One day I'll get it right. I haven't yet, but I will. One day.